Thursday, October 14, 2010



Why wonder, I hear you say!

We play and win and loose the game together,
because we are friends.
When our classmates are left behind, let them come forth
and we will run and win the race together,
because we are friends.

Why wonder, I hear you say!

We play the flute and beat the drum
to the tune of the song of bees and birds,
because we are friends.
We celebrate and dance together,
and share our dreams of joy and cheer,
because we are friends.

Why wonder I hear you say!

Together we say NO to the rage and hate of a bigot.
Our wholeness is the measure of our love and care,
because we are friends.
We say NO to the massive darkness and night.
Our Spirit keeps bouncing for dignity and life,
for we dwell in tomorrow’s dream of the Earth’s bounty of life,
because we are friends.

Francoise Bosteels

1 comment:

SSJ Earth Center said...

Beautiful message of love.
Needed so much today!